Friday, February 22, 2013

Professor Sexson  has talked repeatedly  about mythological snakes, which to me are the most petrifying things on earth.  I have Herpetophobia, meaning fear of snakes. One time I ran on the hot Florida pavement for 3 blocks without shoes because I found a snake by my pool.  My feet were burned and I could not walk for a couple of days, so when I dream about snakes it is normally a nightmare.

In my dream, my ex and I had decided to get back together, so I was ready to move back with him.  I was happy, but anxious at the same time.  One thing I could remember was that I was in Big Sky in my favorite bar The Half Moon.  Everything was perfect.  My friends had organized a going- away camping party for me.  After we closed the bar, we went to the back of the bar by the river and sat by the bonfire. 

Until that moment everything in my dream was great, I was so happy.  We were drinking and dancing, but suddenly everything changed.  It was the next day, and I don’t know why, but my friend Yeimy and I woke up just to find out that we had set up our tent on top of the pool table.  This part is “odd", I know, but it was a dream, I cannot control those things.  Anyway, I woke up still happy and looked out to see that the day was gorgeous.  The sun was up and it was the brightest day I have ever seen.

I said to my friend Yeimy,  “Let’s go outside, it is a beautiful day for a walk.   I started to walk ahead of her and I stood under this tree, which was the most majestic tree I have ever seen in my life.  It was beautiful, enormous, perfect, and I could see the sunrays coming through it.  My heart was beating really hard with joy, but then my practical being interrupted my dream. I started to think this is too perfect. I went on and on in my mind thinking of something one should never think when we are happy. Wait a minute, I said to myself, there has to be something wrong with this scene.  It is too perfect.

Then, I looked up at the tree again, and all I can see were snakes falling all over me.  I started to panic, I could not breathe.   I was suffocating, screaming and jumping all over.  Then, I woke up, screaming of pain and panic.   My face was cover with tears, it was horrible, my heart hurt, every inch of my body was in excruciating pain.  The next day I had a terrible migraine that lasted two days.   I still feel anxious when I think about this dream.  What I don’t understand is how a dream can affect a person physically to the point where he/she feels ill.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Metamorphosis of Narcissus by Salvador Dali

Today we talked about Narcissus in class, and I wanted to share this beautiful paint by Salvador Dali.  This is how the spanish Artis represent the myth of Narcissus. .  I also found this story about Echo and Narcissus enjoy.  

Echo was a lovely young nymph that had been cursed by Hera to repeat only what others had said. She was never again able to speak on her own behalf. One day, as Echo was playing with her sisters in the woods, she saw the handsome young mortal named Narcissus, and as so many had before her, she fell immediately in love with his stunning good looks. Echo longed to tell Narcissus how much she loved him but, of course, she could not. She could only echo the words of others, which she tried to do to communicate with the boy. But he grew tired of her game of hiding in the woods repeating nonsensical phrases. He demanded that she show herself to him. When Echo finally came out of her hiding place, all she could do was wrap her arms around her beloved. But Narcissus hated to be touched and demanded that she let go of him, hurling obscenities and insults at the stricken nymph. Echo, heartbroken, ran back into the woods once again. There she remained, pining away for her would-be beau. She would not eat and could not sleep. All she could do was sit and watch, hoping for a glimpse of Narcissus. It wasn't long, however, before Echo's body began to simply fade away into nothingness until all that was left of the beautiful nymph was her voice echoing throughout the woods. The other nymphs felt that Narcissus deserved to be punished for the thoughtless way he treated those around him. They particularly felt he should pay for the loss of their beloved sister Echo. So they prayed to the gods for divine retribution. Hera laughed at their prayers and said that Echo deserved to be ignored because she was a witless chatterbox that had caused her to lose valuable time. But Zeus disagreed with his wife and promised to answer the nymph's prayers. Being the wisest of all the gods, Zeus decided to let Narcissus's punishment fit the crime. Since he so callously tossed others aside who dared to fall in love with him, Zeus felt it only fitting that he learn what that felt like. One day as the youth was hunting in the woods, he grew thirsty and looked for a pond from which he could draw water. As he bent over to retrieve the cool liquid, he caught a glimpse of himself reflected in the water and fell immediately in love - - with his own reflection.  Like so many before him, Narcissus pined for his love in spite of the fact that he was pining for himself. As Echo had done, Narcissus could not eat or sleep. He could do nothing but stare in the water at his one true love.  Slowly, but surely, his life force began to fail. As the last vestiges of life flowed out of him, Narcissus began to understand what his callous attitude had done. With his dying breath, he finally whispered the words that so many before him had longed to hear "I love you! Please forgive me.  "The wood nymphs, hearing these words, let go of their anger and asked that Narcissus be released from his curse. Of course, it was too late. The youth was dead and the gods could not restore mortal life. However, Zeus took pity on him and transformed his body into a white flower that would bloom once again, every spring. And that is - - according to the Greeks - - how the flower, narcissus, came to be.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The metamorphosis of a subconscious mind

This movie tells the story of the God Chronos and how he felt in love with a mortal girl.  Since God and mortal are not to be together, they can only live on each others hearts.  What a love story!! What a beautiful piece of art, Dali the God of surrealisms talking about surreal love.


Monday, February 4, 2013

Little known fact about Pablo Neruda and one of his love stories.

Delia del Carril and Pablo Neruda meet in Madrid one night almost by accident while he was serving as consul general de Chile in Barcelona, after this night they will spend the next 20 years together.  She was twenty years older then him, but her energetic personality and beauty never allow her age to be shown. Her nickname was “the hormingita” (the little ant).  When Neruda met her the first time he was infatuated by her.  When he told his friends about her, he always said, “I’m under Delia’s spell.” Their love was a militant love story, perfume by the dream of revolution.  She was his motivation and his muse.  Unfortunately, the relation ship ends after 20 years, but I still love to share it with you.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Dali you make my heart wonder!

Every time I see this image I wonder, All her drawers are open, her hand is reaching almost like she is trying to hold on to something.  Why is my lady so empty?? why does she look so sad???